Cell Phone Policy

ARUSD’s policy states that students are not to use personal electronic devices/cell phones on school campuses. School staff will not be responsible for any personal electronic device that is damaged, lost, or stolen.  Student devices that are visible to school personnel will be confiscated.  In our effort to create the best possible learning environment, by reducing students’ temptation to check/use personal devices on campus, students who bring a personal electronic device will be required to store the device(s) in a Yondr Pouch.  The Yondr Pouch is school property, and each student is responsible for keeping it in good working condition. 

As students enter their first-period class, they will: 

  1. Power their phone down or place it in airplane mode.
  2. Place their phone, wireless earbuds, smartwatch, etc. inside their Yondr Pouch and secure them in front of school staff.
  3. Store their Yondr Pouch in their backpack for the day.

At the end of the school day, when students exit campus, they will open their Pouch, remove their personal electronic devices, and put the Pouch in a designated bin. 

Students arriving late or leaving early will pouch/unpouch their personal electronic devices in the main office. 

Students participating in after-school programs or activities will keep their personal electronic devices stored in the Pouch until their program/activity has ended and they are leaving campus.


Yondr Pouch Damage / Using Phone During School 

  • If a student damages a Pouch they will be charged a Pouch replacement fee of $40.00.  Examples of damage:
    • Deep scratches on the globe and on the green ring around it 
    • Intentional markings, scratches, or changes to the interior or exterior of the Pouch
    • Bent pins
    • Pin and button not fully recessing, due to pin damage
  • If a student loses a Pouch they will be charged a Pouch replacement fee of $40.00.
  • If a student is caught using a personal electronic device on campus, the device will be confiscated, and stored in the main office, and a parent/guardian will be responsible for picking the device up.  

If a parent/guardian needs to communicate information to their child they can call the main office at (408) 928-1950.
If a student needs to communicate with their parent/guardian they can use a school phone or may be permitted to unpouch their cell phone in the main office.